Tuesday, August 24, 2010


Sometimes the truth hurts. Right now the ugly truth I am wrestling with is that following Christ is not always easy and most certainly doesn't look like what we always thought it would. The truth for me right now is that I know the calling on our lives but yet it is very hard to not clam up in my safety mode, but instead keep pushing forward into a world of unknowns. I see us in Africa and I love it. It IS our home. The road of getting there is so unfamiliar and so many unknowns that it can really mess with my head. I unfortunately am someone that when life gets hard, will tend to look for the easy way out. The easy way out (in my opinion) right now is to try to close my heart off to Africa and say we will be there..... someday. When the kids get older and life gets easier..... but does that ever really happen? I mean life slowing down and getting easier? :) I would like to think so but have a feeling it is not the truth. I am clinging to the verse " I can do ALL things, through Christ who strengthens me." Phil. 4:13. HE has called us to go, so HE will provide the way and the grace/strength we so desperately need. I am thankful daily for His grace and mercy. I pray everything we do as a family is pleasing to God, this season in our lives included.