Monday, June 13, 2011

What's YOUR dream?

If you would have told me five years ago that my dream would be to take my four kids to live in a third-world country, away from our family and friends and everything we knew to be "normal", I would have probably literally laughed in your face at the thought. I was just entering the new world of being a mommy and was "one of those moms". :) You know the kind, right? Overprotective, overbearing, worrying constantly about every little detail. Then one day God dropped a dream into my heart. Africa. Out of nowhere did I see this dream coming. There are certain special days in our lives that we remember so vividly. For me they would be the day I got engaged, our wedding day, the births of our children... and so on. I also remember the exact moment God put Africa in my heart. I remember telling me friend sitting next to me at a conference, " I know this sounds crazy, but I think God is telling me that my family is called to Africa." From that moment on my life was never the same.
Fast forward five years to this weekend. This was a very special weekend for me and my family. We had the privilege to go and share our hearts for missions and Africa at the church I grew up in. It was a very surreal experience for me. I just love how God works. It was so special for me to be able to share something so dear to us (Africa) with people who have known me since I was a little girl. I remember missionaries coming to our church when I was growing up and being so intrigued, and now it was MY family there to share our call. It was so much fun seeing people and remembering all they had deposited into my life growing up. We so deeply appreciate all the prayers, kind words, and support we received from everyone this weekend. I love that five years ago God told me we would be going to Africa, and I could not even begin to fathom how we would get there. Let alone that we would be adding three more kids to the picture before it happened!! :) I love that He is the one orchestrating it all, not us. I love that everything is coming together so smoothly that it brings so much peace to my heart knowing that this is what God has for our lives.
So, what is YOUR dream? What do you feel like God is calling you to? Breath life onto that dream today! I have found from first-hand experience when we let our callings go without any attention or stirring up of that dream they can seem to disappear (even though they don't really). I know that they can seem overwhelming at times, but I have seen it over and over that ALL things are possible with God.
We are so thankful for every ones support!

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